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America's 1st underground spy Headquarters

To verify these images are unaltered or for their highest resolution, enter "Hollywood Casino Columbus" into Google Earth Pro, then open "historical imagery."

#2 and #3 are the only images avalible between #1 and #4. It has been suggested that a Google glitch switched #2 with #3. That did not happen; notice GM's coal-burning power plant in image #2 (near the blue dot bottom-right) is still standing, it is gone by #3. 

Facts and verification:

  • Image 1 (from August 2009) shows the GM factory weeks before its demolition began. It was dismantled, as this was a basic steel box frame structure.

  • Image 2 (May 2010) shows the clear land after the demolition. The 33-acre factory had nearly 2 acres of very shallow basement space, including a vast cafeteria, nursing station, restrooms, locker rooms, offices, and chemical and tool parts storage rooms. I tried to get plans from the city and county but got nowhere. 

  • A man who worked on its demolition crew contacted me on Facebook. He claimed that #3 showed the basement. However, as we communicated, he wrote that he saw a fleet of dump trucks fill the basement rooms with earth brought in from other construction sites during the demolition.   After he realized that image #3 was taken almost a year later, he admitted that this underground structure could not have been part of GM's basement.  


  • I was only in that basement once, for a meeting in its cafeteria. That very shallow lunchroom was enormous, at least 100' X 100'. It was built to feed up to 10,000 workers a day. The underground structure is consistently 50 feet wide, verifying this was not the factory's basement space because the cafeteria was at least twice as expansive. It was also centered on the east side of the building, down a vast stairway from the main entrance to the parking lot, on its east side.  The underground structure starts 440 feet away from the eastern wall.


  • Near the vast cafeteria was a medical station. A very long hallway lined with offices also headed north. The offices appeared packed with equipment, supplies, and hundreds of steel barrels. This long hall was also along the building's east side, where truck docks had access. This factory was 865 feet wide by 1,780 feet long. The underground structure sat 440 feet from the eastern wall and 365 feet from the west side of the building. The closest that its northern (east to west) section came to an exterior wall was 101 feet. This verifies that the structure did not have direct access to truck docks or emergency exits, as the factory's basement did. Image #2 also shows the outline of these filled rooms and the stairway along the east side of the factory's northern half, yet nothing where the underground structure later appears.  


  • Image #3 was taken just four months before the casino broke ground. It shows an 1150-foot-long F-shaped underground structure that had just been partially backfilled with soil. This soil appears to have come from a mountain of earth previously covering its roof.


Why is that the most obvious possibility?


  • Look outside the structure's northwest corner (upper left #3). You can see where a mountain of loose soil had recently sat. Because this large mound was not yet there in image #2, the apparent explanation is that the earth came from the underground structure. It also shows that bulldozers (their tracks) had recently shoved that soil back into the structure. Because there was not nearly enough soil to refill it (it was fully buried at the casino's groundbreaking four months later), this was likely the earth that previously covered the structure's roof. I estimate that its roof was likely 15 feet underground. ​

  • Shadows in #3 show that the partially refilled structure was 12 to 15 feet deep. This indicates that the structure's floor was 27 to 30 feet below ground level.

I studied these images for weeks:


  • First, I determined it was not associated with underground utilities or storm drainage.

  • When image # 3 was taken (Dec 2010), a mitigation team was there installing pumps to suck out tons of metallic waste that General Motors had dumped into four lagoons near this 88-acre site's eastern boundary, right behind the houses on the far right. ​ These lagoons were over one thousand feet southeast of the underground structure. Contamination mitigation was supposedly the only activity on this site during the 2010-2011 winter. Image #3 proves otherwise! The entire site was fenced in, locked up, and guarded all winter long.   


Could this underground structure have been freshly excavated to remove undisclosed contamination?


  • No. If this were a contaminated earth removal, it would look like a group of craters, not one perfectly geometrical 1150' by 50' 'F' shaped structure. 

  • This hidden fortress was also in exact alignment with West Broad Street (Rt 40) over 1000 feet to its north. During the Civil War, Rt 40 was a dirt road called the National Trail. Someone could argue the structure was aligned east and west, but Rt30 (West Broad St.) and this underground structure are six degrees off east and west, proving the structure aligned with the National Trail, not contamination removal.  


  • The GM factory was on Georgesville Road, which did not exist during the Civil War.

  • However, for some reason, that factory is not aligned with Georgesville Road; it is also perfectly aligned with West Broad Street, well over 1000 feet to its north side. Its old brick facade faced Georgesville Road at an angle. GM's property was an entire city block away from West Broad St. The GM factory was not designed to be seen from West Broad Street.


  • Only one explanation for this is obvious. The site planners placed GM's factory in alignment with the underground fortress, not to cover it efficiently. West Broad Street was not even a consideration. ​

  • ​The Legend claimed the underground complex was originally a hidden Civil War weapon factory. Its construction also matches America's railroad bridge-building methods and materials of the 1860s.  


How did I determine that?


  • Almost all Union Army engineers came from the railroad industry. This F-shaped structure is consistently 50 feet wide for 1150 feet. The only material suitable in the 1860s that could support 15 to 20 feet of earth was the standard 50-foot iron girders used to build railroad bridges. This explains why the underground structure consistently remains about 50 feet wide. 

  • Twenty-five years before the factory was removed, that retired GM employee told me the building hid an underground spy complex that had become obsolete after airplanes became reliable. Then, it became a hidden junkyard of the country's outdated secret weapons, machines, and files, and in 1944, it was sealed up.  Less than two years later, General Motors opened its sprawling Hilltop factory to entomb it permanently.


However, GM abandoned the factory in the early 1990s. It was finally dismantled in late 2009.

  • By late 2010, assuming it was still packed with early American secrets, Washington would have had to clear it out before the builders of the new casino stumbled into it. That also explains why it was briefly exposed right before the casino's construction began. Had it been cleared out in 1944, Washington's secret keepers could have ignored it, truthfully stating, "Wow, they must have unearthed a secret Civil War factory."  


  • The last Image (#4) was shot in December 2011; it shows the casino after eight months of construction. Not a single shred of the underground structure remained. 

  • Also, the underground structure was not visible during the casino's groundbreaking ceremony eight months earlier. I know this personally because I rode a bike over that site days later. That day was the first time I noticed the casino's seven deep drainage ponds had been dug (visible in image 4). So they were installed even before construction began, but after the underground fort was exposed. 

  • The earth excavated from these retention ponds was enough to finish burying the underground structure and then raise the elevation of the casino by twelve feet over the former factory.

  • Other customers told me that another underground complex, built between the World Wars, was installed a half-mile north of ORPHAN's site, buried under the massive Westinghouse factory. I have no physical evidence of this; however, decades ago, that factory became Big Lots' national warehouse, which still exists. So, if it also had an underground complex beneath it, it should still be there.

                                  For jaw-dropping evidence that is public record, check out this  Timeline!

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